Social Awarness

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    One person could bring about change. One person with good intentions, and is not afraid to speak. The events of the Holocaust left millions dead and families torn because nobody spoke up. To make sure an atrocity like this never happens one should make the problem aware to the public. No matter how big or small, one could gather a group of people who have the same feelings about a certain transgression. Have a peaceful rally, speak to the public. One could even make it world wide through social media, to really get the issue out there. Posting about the issue or writing a blog about it, could help spread awareness. Even vlogging could blow up the concern of the issue, the most controversial problems happen on Youtube, one of the largest social media platforms out there. For example, an issue concerning youtube vlogger Logan Paul went viral because he was making fun and laughing at suicide. Most were aware and spoke up about it, they did not let him get  away with it and he was dealt with by youtube. Most spoke out through Twitter or other youtubers made videos on it. All one needs to do is have a crowd of people who will listen, people who care, and together you could spread the word. 

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