
Image result for shh
  Silence. They say to ignore what happens, that if you stay quiet the oppressor will stop. However others say you must speak up. In World War II the Jews were being oppressed. They were forced to do back breaking labor, worked in harsh conditions, and were murdered in mass amounts. Nobody spoke up. The rest of the world let it happen. If you are silent, if you never speak up, you only empower the ones looking to cause harm. You are letting them know that you are scared, even if you aren't. You are allowing them to hurt you even though you have the power to stop them. If you speak up, if one person hears you, there  is still a slight chance you will receive help. But, silence will only perpetuate the transgressions of those who wish to cause harm. You must give a voice to the voiceless. Silence kills. In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, someone who has lived through the holocaust, only wished that he had never been silent, that the world wasn't silent. Things could have been different, his family could have survived. Because of his silence he watched his father get beat, out of fear he did nothing. Fear drives silence. 

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