Last Blog of the Year

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Well this is it, the last blog of the year. Next Monday is Christmas so no blog will be posted. In class we finished our leadership discussion so there are no current topics as of now. So I was thinking I talk about the New Year and some of my own goals. Many people make resolutions for the new year and never follow through with them, they either set unrealistic goals, or goals they know they are unlikely to complete. Me being one of these people, setting a goal to get a six pack, it is understandable why these resolutions never get completed. You start out good, go a week, maybe two, and bam! You realize how boring working out alone really is. I am one of the competitive types that has the most success trying to beat someones own success. If I run alone, I won't run as fast as if I was running next to a friend in a race. I don't think I would be able to do anything if I didn't have competitors. Now that i think about it, why do we actually celebrate the new year. All it is is another revolution around the sun amirite? But still we make a huge deal about it and think the next year will be much better, but it never is. I mean, this year has been pretty garb-o if you think about it. We have been more divided this year than ever. Donald Trump is president, net neutrality is dead, there is a little rocket man pointing missiles at us, this year just seems like one big JOKE. Anyways, let me teal you about the goals I have for myself that I plan to tell myself ill follow through on, but most likely won't. Goal 1: I WILL GET MY SIX PACK. Same goal as the last 4 years, won't happen, but I will let you know if it does. Goal 2: Stop being so sociopathic when it comes to serious situations. I  think I have a better chance of getting abs than doing this, because this is just my personality. I don't know how to comfort people, it makes me feel awkward saying or doing things that 90% of the time that aren't true. Like if I tell little Sally after her dog dies that she will be ok, because psychologically she will not,  because little cupcake is six feet under. I don't like lying or pretending I care, I'm just a terrible person when it comes to serious situations. Goal 3: Eat a little healthier and a little less. Now I am not an overweight person, but I do eat a lot of junk and its giving me acne. I am also a tiny bit out of shape. So if I eat less junk and make some smarter choices, it could improve my situation. And that is about it for my goals. I might make more in a week or two, but thats all for now homes. Smell ya next year!

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