How does ambition effect decision making? Well first, lets define ambition. Ambition is a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. The meaning is within itself. Ambition is the the most powerful tool to success. It is how you apply yourself and how badly you want it. Edison had the ambition to invent something to be able to see in the dark without using a candle. Karl Benz had the ambition to travel to places much faster without taking a step. Muhammad Ali had the ambition to be the best. The Wright brothers had the ambition to stop traveling on the ground. America had the ambition to be independent. It is the fire that burns inside of you that will be the thrusting force toward your success. When you want to succeed just as badly as you want to breathe, that is when you will be successful. Those who tell you you cant are the ones afraid you will, that is why you must be self determined. When you have the drive to do what y...